Quiet Quitting And Time Theft Issues With Employees

I really love all my employees. However, sometimes employees will try to take a mile if you give them an inch. Running a business is hard, and with the rise of quiet quitting, I figured it might be important to talk about ways that employees may try to take advantage of you or your business.

Some of these issues might seem harmless.… Read the rest

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Why The Rate Negotiation Process With Insurance Companies Is Broken

With inflation reaching record levels, many medical practices are going through the rate negotiation process with insurance companies trying to get better pay. If you have never done this before, that’s okay. I was new to it also until a few years ago. Let me tell you the theme of dealing with commercial insurance companies for rate negotiations. Intentionally difficult and broken.… Read the rest

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AdvancedMD Is A Love Hate Relationship With Our New Medical Record

Electronic medical records, or EMR for short, is a big decision for your company to decide which one will be used. This should be one of the most important things you “stress” over when you start up your practice. We decided to change from Practice Fusion to AdvancedMD. This decision was one that we have been mulling over for about a year.… Read the rest

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Growing The Practice, One Patient At A Time

Wow, what a year 2020 has been! At the start of the year I thought that the hardest thing I would have to do is to finish the build of my new clinic. Little would I know that life would throw us all a curveball. The ups and downs have been dizzying so far. For now, things have at least stabilized and our growth continues.… Read the rest

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How A Bad Biller Can Almost Bankrupt Your Practice

For those who followed my journey, you know that medical billing to insurances is a nightmare at times. I’ve now had a total of 4 different billers. The most recent biller almost did a complete financial disaster to my clinic. I swear I then had a stomach ulcer from the financial stress she put me through. Some may laugh at my desire to get my own biller.… Read the rest

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Midlevel Encroachment And Its Effect On The Next Generation Of Doctors

The growth of midlevel providers has been explosive compared to physicians. This growth has lead to many young physicians, residents, fellows, and med studies worried about what their future holds. Midlevel providers can provide wonderful access to patient care. I know many amazing midlevel providers who I have worked with in the past. This article is not here to be a bashing echo chamber to hate on midlevels.… Read the rest

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COVID-19 Effects And The Financial Changes To My Practice

COVID-19 has affected us all negative in many ways. For this post I would like to take a step back and talk about the financial implications on my practice. In the post COVID-19 shut down, we have seen a huge drop in patient visits and income. We are not alone. It appears that many practices or groups nationwide are cutting salaries, having layoffs, or cutting back hours.… Read the rest

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Why Doctors Stay Employees Rather Than Owners

In 1980, almost 80% of physicians owned their practice or were partners in their practice and effectively co-owners. In 2016, that number dropped to almost 45%. Each year, it seems that another 3-5% of doctors choose to become employees rather than owners in their practice. The trend away from physician ownership in practices is quite disturbing. Without ownership, we are at the mercy of administrators or other physicians telling us how we are going to practice medicine (to a certain degree).… Read the rest

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The Growth Of Administrators In Health Care

I’ve recently seen a graph that was pretty jarring to say the least. The graph below has been copied in many different articles in the past years. The main claim in this graph is about explosive growth of administrators in health care positions. The growth of administration has increased since Medicaid and Medicare came into effect. However, I cant help but wonder how much of the growth is overblown or real.… Read the rest

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