Welcome to InvestingDoc
I hope everyone is having a great Fourth of July weekend and was honored to have the site mentioned in the Physician on Fire The Sunday Best post. This weekend I have been working hard on content for this blog as I plan on continuing to have posts on Monday-Wednesday-Friday. The site is new and as part of some growing pains it turn out that for those readers who are accessing the website via Microsoft Edge (Internet Explorer) they may receive a message that this website was flagged as potentially unsafe. I’m sorry to those that have have received this message and assure you that the site is safe. This message I am told is due to the website being less than one week old. Due to the weekend and holiday I have been informed that I should hear back from a team that can help resolve this issue within 24 hours. Those of you reading on other browsers should not be receiving any such message. In the mean time I’ll just keep working on more posts to come and enjoy some home brew beer that I recently made.

If you would like to learn a little be more about me you can find a good introduction here. Follow along as I continue to blog about personal finance and investing for physicians. I will also give periodic updates about how paying off my debt from medical school is progressing. I’m looking forward to that last payment!