How Much Money To Keep In Your Medical Business Account

The past 12 months have been filled with unexpected expenses or a significant drop in income for most practices. My practice has been no exception to this rule. This week, Texas had an unprecedented ice storm bringing my practice to essentially a halt for an entire week. This means no income for this week but continued expenses for overhead. There will be more events like this in the future.… Read the rest

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A Look Back Of Growing My Medical Practice

Curious about the growth of my medical practice over the past 2.5 years? Lets take a look at exactly that in todays post. One of the most frequently discussed topics is how long it might take to grow a practice? I’ve spent a few hours collecting the weekly data for how many patients my practice has seen so that if you are wondering how long it might take to build your practice, you can see how long it took to build mine.

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Growing The Practice, One Patient At A Time

Wow, what a year 2020 has been! At the start of the year I thought that the hardest thing I would have to do is to finish the build of my new clinic. Little would I know that life would throw us all a curveball. The ups and downs have been dizzying so far. For now, things have at least stabilized and our growth continues.… Read the rest

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How A Bad Biller Can Almost Bankrupt Your Practice

For those who followed my journey, you know that medical billing to insurances is a nightmare at times. I’ve now had a total of 4 different billers. The most recent biller almost did a complete financial disaster to my clinic. I swear I then had a stomach ulcer from the financial stress she put me through. Some may laugh at my desire to get my own biller.… Read the rest

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We Currently Have 5 Doctors Sharing 2 Exam Rooms

Our office and my practice has been growing at a breakneck pace after the initial slowdown for the pandemic. We now have 5 doctors in total sharing the office which has 2 exam rooms in it. Two of those doctors are not employed by me, but sublease the current space of 800 usable square feet. It seems insane, but lets take a look at how I made all of this work to lower overhead and increase profits.… Read the rest

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How The Passing Of A Young Physician Changed My Outlook On Life

What would happen if you were diagnosed with a terminal condition tomorrow? Quite a sobering thought, but I’ve been contemplating it lately in light of an upcoming appointment soon to get more life insurance. I’ve also been thinking a lot about Michelle. She was my roommate throughout medical school who passed away this year after a 2 year battle with signet cell colon cancer.… Read the rest

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Obtaining And Understanding Your Malpractice Insurance

Every professional has to have malpractice insurance. Doctors have malpractice insurance and even lawyers have their form of malpractice insurance. There are quite a few nuances in the malpractice insurance world. Today we will go over some of the important parts of malpractice insurance. I’ll also let you know how I made a mistake with my malpractice carrier that exposed me to a lawsuit.… Read the rest

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Time It Takes To Start And Run A Medical Practice

Independent fee for service, often referred to as traditional medical practices, seem to be a dying breed. Go to any online forum and you will see doctors who advocate against starting a traditional fee for service practice. Most primary care doctors focus on DPC (Direct Patient Care). This is a type of practice where doctors charge a yearly fee to be a member of their practice.… Read the rest

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Midlevel Encroachment And Its Effect On The Next Generation Of Doctors

The growth of midlevel providers has been explosive compared to physicians. This growth has lead to many young physicians, residents, fellows, and med studies worried about what their future holds. Midlevel providers can provide wonderful access to patient care. I know many amazing midlevel providers who I have worked with in the past. This article is not here to be a bashing echo chamber to hate on midlevels.… Read the rest

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