Mistakes To Avoid When Interviewing For a Physician Job

I’ve been trying to hire a new physician to join my practice. I wanted to share some of the bad behavior that we have experienced while interviewing for a physician job posting. Some of this may be self-explanatory or obvious. Other examples below might not be so obvious. Others are just sad or funny.

Below is our list of things that have prevented us from offering a job to a physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner to join our practice.… Read the rest

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Financial Losses For The Medical Practice

Let us have a post that looks closer at the “cost of doing business.” Also called financial losses for medical practices.

You may have heard this term before, but it is essentially the financial hit that one takes while running a business.

Every company has these costs. Think of the last time you were at a restaurant, and they messed up your order.… Read the rest

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Avoiding Burnout In Private Practice

Like many physicians, I started to feel burnout this past 6 months. Patients more than ever have been demanding various different things from me. Each demand seemed to chip away at my happiness in the profession. This ranges from getting yelled at demanding to change our mask policy to patients messaging me arguing why do they have to pay for a visit when they can see their lab results on Quest.… Read the rest

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Everything You Need To Know About Buying Into A Medical Practice

Rather than starting your own practice, it is much more common to take a job where there is a potential buy into the practice. Today’s post is going to go through everything you need to know when you are thinking about buying into a medical practice.

Be warned. Today’s post is going to be a long one but a fun one!… Read the rest

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Why Being A Small Medical Practice Is Not Sustainable

Business is tough and the business of medicine is no exception to that rule. As my practice grows, I have come to realize one truth…staying a small traditional medical practice is not sustainable. No, this post is not me announcing that I am selling out. Instead, it is a realization that growth needs to accelerate. The larger my practice gets I get to realize this one truth: You will either need to grow your traditional insurance based practice or shift to a different model if you want your business to stay alive.… Read the rest

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How To Successfully Negotiate A Rate Increase With Commercial Insurance

Solo practice is tough. Hell, its very very tough sometimes. One of the hard lessons you may learn after starting a practice is that your commercial insurance rates are most likely not going to be great. This is especially true for those who are not a specialist. Eventually you will have to negotiate a rate increase from your commercial payers to keep the business profitable.… Read the rest

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Everything You Need To Know About Starting A Medical Practice

For those of you who are thinking of starting up a medical practice, I would like to help you by creating a checklist of everything you need to know to start your own medical practice.

Of course, a full list of everything you need to know about starting a medical practice is way too extensive to go through with one post.… Read the rest

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New Issue With Commercial Loan For My Medical Practice

Those who have been following along with this blog may know that I have purchased a condo within a new build to move my practice into. We have now been in this office for over 6 months and starting to fill it up with patients. Things seem to be going very well. However, I have run into a bit of a hiccup with my commercial loan for the space.… Read the rest

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How I Made Less Money With ZocDoc Than An Uber Driver

When I started my practice, I was hungry for business. Soon after I opened, I was contacted by ZocDoc to advertise on their service. I’ve never even heard of them before they reached out to me. Since I was hungry for business, I decided to give it a go. ZocDoc is a service that allows patients to book online with nearby doctor to fill appointments.… Read the rest

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