My Spending On Fun Expenses Was Out Of Control Last Month

February was a big spending month for me, actually the biggest yet excluding months when I took a vacation. In February I spent $902.17 on items or experiences that can only be classified as wants and not needs. If you think spending $902 on restaurants and going out with friends is out of control I would say that I completely agree.… Read the rest

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Why Doctors Need A Budget

No matter how much money someone makes its always important to have a budget (MC Hammer blew $33 Million dollars and subsequently filed for bankruptcy). The time to develop a budget is not when you feel that you “need” one upon graduating residency, but its when you start managing your own money as a young adult. Knowing where each dollar is made and where each dollar is spent will give you the knowledge to live within your means and avoid financial hardship.… Read the rest

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